2021 is year for developing technologies. Here is some best Technologies listed and described for knowledge purpose.
Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
In future there will be huge increase in robotics. Because of that artificial intelligence and machine learning is at top in this list. AI simply means giving intelligence to any artificial gadget by coding skills and Machine learning simply means testing and training the created model to further use. This both Technologies is used to create and make our daily life really easy. There will be Defenetly decrease in jobs because each robot or Technology is taking place of minimum 30 to 40 humans and only 1 or 2 coders and technology expert takes place of 30 peoples. So for better living in future you should learn or get some knowledge about these Technologies.
Full Stack Development
Above AI and ML are used for hardware technologies But this full stack development is for software development. Normally development of any website is compounded in several parts like front end development , graphics designs , backend Development , database connection , database management etc. But as per name full stack Development is develop any website or webapp by only one. One will create all things frontend , backend , database and other frameworks. As future has more technical increment so there's really huge need of Websites to store or get or represent the data.
Cloud computing
Cloud computing is storing data in clouds which nothing but virtual data storages. As you can see all databases of big companies need very large land areas which has extreme cooling systems and security because there can be threat to data leakage. But clouds are very large data storages which doesn't need any land area and that much peoples to manage that. There's only some cloud engineers or cloud developers needed to manage and work on that. And clouds are extremely secure storages.Some major players of cloud computing are Amazon's AWS , Google Cloud and Microsoft's Azure.
Blockchain technology is connected with bitcoin and crypto currencies. The reason for crypto currencies are developed with blockchain is it's high security. Blockchain has large numbers of components that are connected with each other. If any component will be added in the blockchain security of that blockchain will be increased because you need to threat all the blocks to threat blockchain.
Internet of things (IOT)
IOT is internet of things which basically means technologies or parts are connected with each other by wifi which means they can be connected with internets. It has bright future. IOT got many home appliances and other applications. In home appliances there's features like we can operate our whole home with only 1 mobile application. Like oper or close door , check cameras while you are away from home, turn lights off and on , operating fans , air conditioners etc.
5G is trending after IOT in 2021. as other connection types brings speeds , browse in internet etc . 5g will come with many other features like high security and privacy , encryption of data etc. It will enables technologies like AR and VR. It will give hope in cloud computing and AI , ML also. 5g technologies are going to be installed in 2021 by more than 50 telecom companies.
Cyber security
Cyber security is used for secure and personalize you data and privacy. This technology is trends because threats and bugs are always there. Any cyber security expert will use the bug in very positive way and that can make the company a huge loss. Systems can be threaten by cyber security professionals which can give expensive damage to that software or storage. But cyber security is very hard to learn although we can use that in both good and bad way. In this field white hat professional tries to stop or find black hat professionals which are trying to threat system.